Who We Are

A church infused with Jesus’ life, love & passion.

Thomas Han


Assists both the English and Korean ministries.

Song Hee Han

Pastor, Korean Ministry

Takes the role of leading the Korean ministry. 

Rony Alvarez

Lead Pastor, English Ministry

Leads the English ministry and serving the Church. 

Byung Kang

Praise Leader

Serves the Church and the Worship team by leading praise. 

Our . Together

When visitng LWBC, you will experience a warm family-like reception, a congragation in casual outfits, contemporary and expressive worship music rooted in Biblical theology. Our goal is to help nurture better communication and understading wtihin the families with both  English and Korean speakers based on a solid relationship with Jesus Christ. 


To break racial, cultural, and language barriers to bring the un-churched:

  • Into a right relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Into the fellowship of Believers
  • To equip them for full spiritual maturity
  • And to lead them into productive Christian service

God ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society and therefore we are called to:

  • Strive to build strong families and to reunite broken families through biblical truth
  • To understand that children are a blessing and heritage form the Lord
  • We strive to teach the youth spiritual and moral values, to lead them through consistent lifestyle example and loving discipline, to make choices based on biblical truth.


To make known God’s gift of forgiveness, redemption, salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ.

At LWBC, we believe that the single greatest question in life is how God, self, and others interact. All other aspects of life are the result of how you answer this question. In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus states “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” He also said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” These statements are known as the Greatest Commandment. The central purpose of LWBC.

Living Water Baptist Church is a community of Christians devoted to nurturing love for God, the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, love for self and others.

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